Motivational Speaking, Special Programs & Events

An accomplished public speaker, DJ has given countless talks and presentations to hundreds of people, telling his story of awareness, acceptance, patience, hope and love.  


From church groups to autism conferences, small classrooms to large auditoriums, he and his mom Cindi share their story and present workshops. Their interactive workshop "Autism: Our Journey Together - a Message of Hope", is a great opportunity to share and discuss the experiences, trials and tribulations related to life's journey with an autistic child. 

Often a Keynote Speaker at autism programs and events throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, DJ also gives additional talks and workshops at numerous local schools, churches and fundraising events. At most events, you'll see an on-site Imagistore where DJ and his mom Cindi sell a variety of items to help support other autism groups and offset the costs associated with spreading his message of hope and acceptance through his artwork and other Imagifriend inspired items


If you'd like to have DJ come and speak to your class or group, or have him attend and present at one of your events, please drop us a note below and we'll be in touch to go over details.

Thanks, and have a wonderful and awesome day!

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