
"Look and see things from a different point of view!"

- The Mupperezmo, Mayor of Imagiville


Welcome to Imagiville!
Where everyone is accepted just like they are!

Welcome to Imagiville!

Where everyone is accepted
just like they are!

"Hi, I'm DJ Svoboda, Autism and Special Needs artist and advocate, on a special Mission of "Raising Awareness and Gaining Acceptance"! I was born in Sumter, SC in 1982, and in 1986, at the age of 3, I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, along with psycho-motor retardation.

As I got older, I didn't grow, develop and mature like other kids my age. Tasks as simple as holding a pencil were difficult, to say the least. As the years went by, I was taunted, teased, made fun of and bullied.

So, I created the Mupperezmo, who encourages everyone to "Look and see things from a different point of view", and together we created Imagiville, where everyone is welcome, and there is no bullying or teasing, just acceptance for each of us being our own unique self!"

A Mission was Born. A Journey Begun.



Raising Awareness. Gaining Acceptance


DJ was born in Sumter, South Carolina in 1982. In 1986, when DJ was just over 3 years old, he was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, along with psycho-motor retardation.

This combination created a myriad of challenges, none more challenging than speech delays and motor skills issues. Doctors were not exactly sure what the future would hold for DJ and his family, outside of the demanding trials and tribulations of a child with special needs.

As DJ got older, he didn't grow, develop and mature like other kids his age, and simple tasks, such as holding a pencil where difficult, to say the least. As the years went by, DJ was taunted, teased, made fun of and bullied.

A mission was born. The journey had begun.

DJ's Story

DJ's artwork is truly inspiring, spreading a positive message of inlcusion and acceptance. From books featuring the adventures of the Imagifriend gang, to coloring books, tee shirts, coffee mugs, note cards and more, DJ's artwork truly carries a truly positive message.

Want to help DJ, the Mupp and the Imagifriends on their Mission? It's so simple:

1. "Like" and "Share" the DJ and The Iamsgifriends Facebook and Instagram pages;
2. Shop The Imagistore and help "Raise Awareness and Gain Acceptance!"



Meet the Imagifriends


The Mupperezmo

Our Fearless Leader and The Mayor of Imagiville


Our Fearless Leader and The Mayor of Imagiville

"The Mupp was created to help the world know and to understand that everyone with autism thinks, feels and sees things from a very different point of view. That is why he turns his head upside down - so that he can look and see things from a different point of view!

But, not to worry ... The Mupperezmo is sure for everyone! We all see and feel and look at things from a different point of view, and it's always very important to be kind! :)" Love, DJ :)

"The Mupp was created to help the world know and to understand that everyone with autism thinks, feels and sees things from a very different point of view. That is why he turns his head upside down - so that he can look and see things from a different point of view!

But, not to worry ... The Mupperezmo is sure for everyone! We all see and feel and look at things from a different point of view, and it's always very important to be kind! :)" Love, DJ :)

The Rest of the Gang ...


Lucia the Flying Cow

"Be carefree! No need to worry!"


Sleepy Time Friend

"Good night. Sleep tight!"


Silly Clown Friend

"Be Happy. Have Fun. Be YOU!"


"Raising Awareness and Gaining Acceptance"!


Most Popular

2025 Imagifriend Calendar
2025 Imagifriend Calendar

2025 Imagifriend Calendar

Birthday Card Notecards
Birthday Card Notecards

Birthday Card Notecards

Bouncy Wouncy Marty Book
Bouncy Wouncy Marty Book

Bouncy Wouncy Marty Book

Christmas Tree Notecards
Christmas Tree Notecards
Christmas Tree Notecards
Christmas Tree Notecards
Christmas Tree Notecards
Christmas Tree Notecards

Christmas Tree Notecards

DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee
DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee

DJATI Logo Short Sleeve Unisex Adult Tee

Gingerbread Person Notecards
Gingerbread Person Notecards

Gingerbread Person Notecards

Shop The Imagistore >>>


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The Imagifriends "Hero Collection"

Honoring and recognizing our front-line Heroes!

The Imagifriends

"Hero Collection"

Paying tribute and honoring our everyday Heroes!

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Our Military. Teachers. Police Officers. Firefighters. Doctors. Nurses. EMT's.

Join us and say Thank You while Raising Awareness and Gaining Acceptance for those living with special needs!

Shop The Hero Collection

The Imagifriend Alphabet

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Originally hand drawn by DJ, The Imagiville Alphabet is digitally reproduced on canvas and tiles - perfect to hang on a wall, display on a shelf or just about anywhere!

We'll be launching both The Hero Collection and the Imagifriend Alphabet later this month!
Sign up below and we'll let you know as soon as they're available!

Remind Me!
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hero collection image.jpg__PID:931546a3-7812-47a8-a936-24a933e1fa5b

The Imagifriends "Hero Collection"

Honoring and recognizing our front-line Heroes!

The Imagifriends

"Hero Collection"

Paying tribute and honoring our everyday Heroes!

hero collection image.jpg__PID:931546a3-7812-47a8-a936-24a933e1fa5b

Our Military. Teachers. Police Officers. Firefighters. Doctors. Nurses. EMT's.

Join us and say Thank You while Raising Awareness and Gaining Acceptance for those living with special needs!

Shop The Hero Collection

The Imagifriend Alphabet

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Originally hand drawn by DJ, The Imagiville Alphabet contains both upper and lower case letters for both boys and girls, digitally reproduced on canvas and tiles - hang them on the wall or display on a shelf!

Perfect for names, business lobby's or just about anywhere!

note: We'll be launching the Alphabet later this month! Sign up below and we'll let you know as soon as the Alphabet is ready!

Yes, Let me Know!
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The Imagifriends "Hero Collection"

The Imagifriends

"Hero Collection"

Paying tribute and honoring our everyday Heroes!

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Honoring and recognizing our front-line Heroes, from our Military to the Teachers, Police Officers, Firefighters, Doctors, Nurses, EMT's, and everyone else who makes a difference in our everyday lives - THANK YOU!!!

Click below and grab an Imagifriend Hero Collection tee shirt or coffee mug, and help us say Thank You while Raising Awareness and Gaining Acceptance for those living with special needs!

Shop The Hero Collection
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Coming Soon!

if alphabet collection image 5.jpg__PID:1759ba09-2637-4d3c-9e82-ac44b3113f05

The Imagifriend Alphabet

DJ has created The Imagifriend Aplphabet, a full alphabet in both upper and lower case letters, for both boys and girls! Perfect for names, business lobby's or just about anywhere!

We'll be launching the Alphabet later this month! Sign up below and we'll let you know as soon as the Alphabet is ready!

Yes, Let me Know!

Coming Soon!

if alphabet collection image 5.jpg__PID:1759ba09-2637-4d3c-9e82-ac44b3113f05

The Imagifriend Alphabet

DJ has created The Imagifriend Aplphabet, a full alphabet in both upper and lower case letters, for both boys and girls! Perfect for names, business lobby's or just about anywhere!

We'll be launching the Alphabet later this month! Sign up below and we'll let you know as soon as the Alphabet is ready!

Yes, Let me Know!


Latest News & Activities


Speaking Engagements

Autism and Special Needs: A Message of Hope.

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Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder along with psychomotor retardation at the age of 3, DJ’s late mom Cindi had no idea about what the future would hold for them.

In the 41 years that have followed, DJ has become a coveted motivational speaker, an accomplished artist and published author. For the last 15+ years, DJ and his mom - Miss Cindi - traveled Carolinas and Southern Virginia, spreading their message of Hope, Awareness and Acceptance.

DJ loves to speak to all types of groups, from school and church groups to businesses and conferences.

Hear DJ tell his and his Mom's incredibly inspirational and beautiful story of hope, perseverance and heartfelt love.

Contact DJ to Hear His Story!
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New Wall Art For Ruckus Pizza in Cary, NC!

"Uncle Robert" Royster, owner of Ruckus Pizza, Pasta and Spirits, poses with DJ and the new Imagifriends custom artwork DJ recently created for their Cary location.

DJ's artwork is on display at Duke's Autism Center, along with many other local businesses.

DJ would love to create a sepcial piece just for you! If you're interested in commissioning DJ to a special piece for your home or business, please click the button below.

Commission DJ

DJ joins Cat Lewis of the Bittersweet Project Podcast!

Join Cat as she sits down with DJ Svoboda, CEO & Founder, artist and creator of The Imagifriends of Imagiville. DJ is on a mission to promote autism, special needs and disability inclusivity and acceptance. He shares his “big, big dreams” with us and invites us to come along to create a world with more kindness and compassion.

Check out the full podcast and let us know what you think!

Remember ...

"Look and See Things From a Different Point of View!"



Meet the Imagifriends


The Mupperezmo

Our Fearless Leader,
The Mayor of Imagiville


Lucia the Flying Cow

"Be carefree! No need to worry!"


Sleepy Time Friend

"Good night. Sleep tight!"


Silly Clown Friend

"Be Happy. Have Fun. Be YOU!"


A Message of Awareness and Acceptance

DJ's Journey

Public Speaking - Taking the Mission the people.

DJ started his public speaking career with his mom, Cindi, over 10 years ago! After his initial diagnosis at the tender age of 3, DJ has proved everyone wrong, and become a symbol of hope, perserverance and determination.

DJ speaks about the "journey" started with his mom, where it has taken him, the amazing people he's met and the milestones he's accomplished, the biggest being The Friends of Imagiville!

Using his unique artistic style, DJ has brought the characters to life, and use them to tell an informative and inspiring story of inlcusion and acceptance.

To learn more or have DJ speak to your school, group or business, click here.

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Mupp & The Imagifriends on UNC-TV's "Rootle!"

Mupp and the Imagifriends have been brought to life for Rootle, UNC-TV’s 24/7 PBS KIDS Channel for the “Kindness with the Imagifriends” series.

"Look and see things from a different point of view!”

Created by D.J., an autistic artist, author and public speaker, the Mupperezmo and all the Imagifriends teach us that you will be the best friend you can be when you accept everyone as they are!

Follow Mupp and all the Imagifriends on their journey for awareness and acceptance on RootleTV.


"The Autism Song" by The Johnny Orr Band.

Commissioned by TV personality Candi Spitz and her musician husband Dan Spitz (lead guitarist of the band Anthrax)The Johnny Orr Band’s “We’ll Get By (The Autism Song)” was released in 2014 for AutismAwareness Month.

1,000,000+ views!

The song has recently hit over 1,000,000 views on YouTube, and has become a sort of anthem for those who are touched by autism, resonating with those that live with autism as well as those who live somewhere on the autism spectrum.

Click here to download and listen to Johnny Orr's "We'll Get By" now!



Our Programmes

Imagifriends Q & A

Parent Information

If the question that you are looking for is not listed, please send it to us and we will get back as soon as possible.

As your child enters kindergarten, we know that you probably have a lot of questions. We want to make sure that you and your child feel at home here at Webster, so we have come up with a list of the most frequently asked questions about this very important first year of school.

Send your question


Our Awards


A Message of Awareness and Acceptance

"Look and See Things From a Different Point of View!"


"Look and See Things From a Different Point of View!"

DJ's artwork is truly inspiring, spreading a positive message of inclusion and acceptance by simply asking you to "look and see things from a different point of view!"

The Mupperezmo (The Leader of the Imagifriends and the Mayor of Imagiville), along with some of DJ's other characters and artwork, grace the walls of Duke University's Autism Center, local businesses and homes, and is available on a variety of tees, coffee mugs, totes and more through The Imagistore.

From books featuring the adventures of the Imagifriend gang, to coloring books, tee shirts, coffee mugs, note cards and more, DJ's artwork carries a truly positive message. 

Interested in having DJ create a custom piece of art for your home or business? Click the button below.

Commission DJ


Together, we CAN make a difference!


Join us and help DJ, The Mupperezmo and all The Imagifriends with their Mission!

The Imagifriends have a simple, but important, Mission:

To Spread Awareness and Gain Acceptance for everyone experiencing challenges, no matter how big, or how small! 

And it's so easy to help!

A quick "Like" and "Share" of the official Imagifriends Facebook and Instagram pages is all it takes!

If you'd like to have DJ come and speak to your school or group, or would like to use the Mupp or one of the other Imagifriends for an autism walk, a fundraising event or commission DJ for a special piece of hand drawn art, please click the button below.

Contact Us