Hi, I'm Cindi ...

Hi, I'm Cindi ...

Hi. My name is Cindi Svaboda. I’m a single mother of 2 boys, and my oldest, DJ, has autism. I decided to write a blog so I could put my thoughts “down on paper”, with the hope that my blog helps others understand how truly special autistic, and all special needs kids and adults are. I hope I can help everyone “Look and see things from a different point of view!”

DJ was 3 years old back in 1986 when I learned he had been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder with Psycho-motor Retardation. To say it’s been a journey would be an understatement, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

I have learned so much from DJ. He has taught me about unconditional love, acceptance, understanding, and most of all patience. A child is a child first and a disability last. I learned, with DJ’s help, that his disability was not “the end of my world”. I learned, again with DJ’s help, that I can continue to live my life and not only accept his disability but work it into my life, an ongoing process which has shown me strengths that I didn't know I had. 

Most of all, my Faith has stayed strong and I have been able to trust in God, knowing that he will provide a way. Covid has been devastating for us – we’ve missed out on over 60 conferences, presentations and events since the fall due to cancellations from Covid. But, it has also opened up new doors and opportunities, like our new website (DJandTheImagifriends.com) and The Imagistore – our online store where you can find the perfect gift!

Some exciting news!
DJ, along with the Mupperezmo and the Imagifriends, are teaming up with Gabi’s Grounds Coffee Shop and Kimberly Caggiano, Best-Selling author of Putting the Pieces Together: A Mother’s Story to bring you a special surprise later this week, so keep an eye out.

Or better yet, visit the website (or scroll down) and sign up for our Newsletter (and get a 10% Off Coupon to use in the Imagistore!). And if you haven’t, please visit our Facebook page - @DJandTheImagifriends – and give us a like.

Remember … “Look and see things from a different point of view!”


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This is just terrific! Congrats to you and DJ.

Diane Wilush

I’m so excited for you Cindi – I’ve always told you the world needs to hear your story! Congratulations on being willing to speak out, trust God and share!

Diana Michelotti

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